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Stream 1: IP Education and Awareness

Elevate your IP knowledge through events and education

IP Certification

Enrol in an intensive, multi-day program designed to give startups the skills to identify the different forms of IP, develop a cohesive IP strategy, and integrate IP into your business goals. Completion of this program fulfills the educational requirement for Streams 2-2 and 3.


Visit our events page to view our upcoming opportunities to attend specialized seminars, engage with the BC tech community and network with other founders both in-person and online.

Online IP Courses & Resources

Access our self-guided online courses, designed to give founders the skills to take the first steps into your IP journey. Completion of the Introduction to Intellectual Property program fulfills the educational requirement for Stream 2-2.

Eligibility for Stream 1

For Stream 1, you’ll need to meet the general eligibility guidelines for the program:

  • Be a startup based in BC, Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut
  • Have fewer than 500 full-time employees
  • Have an innovative technology and/or operate in the tech sector
  • Non-profit organizations that meet the above may also apply

To apply for our IP Certification program, companies will complete an IP-Assessment to help determine your IP readiness and knowledge. All tech-startups are welcome to apply, this assessment serves to identify your starting point.

Not sure where to begin?

Book a time with our IP Executive in Residence and former IP Lawyer, Chang Han, during his virtual Office Hours!

​Whether you have questions about the right program or need guidance on AccelerateIP, Chang is here to help you navigate your options.

Please note, this isn’t legal advice but a chance to explore your opportunities within our programs.

Stream 1 FAQs

Does it matter how many years my company has been a startup? Is there an “age” cap?

Our current guidelines do not have an age restriction for startup. That said, we will be weighing all factors of applications, including age of startup, revenue, and maturity in relation to tech sector when determining which companies may be awarded funding or will make the best use of funding.

Can my startup participate if we are incorporated in another province but have a significant presence in BC, Yukon, NWT or Nunavut?

Our definition of eligibility is for a company to based in BC, Yukon, NWT, or Nunavut. It is possible your company may have incorporated in another province, but have the majority of its operations in BC. We will look at these on a case-by-case to determine if you are best served by AccelerateIP or on of the other ElevateIP recipients across Canada.

What offerings fulfill the educational requirement for Stream 2-2?

Completion of the Introduction to Intellectual Property online program, or graduation from the IP Certification Program fulfills the educational requirement for Stream 2-2.

What offerings fulfill the educational requirement for Stream 3?

Graduation from the IP Certification Program fulfills the educational requirement for Stream 3.